In a neck lift procedure, patients look to create a defined jaw line with high contours and toning. The neck should be easily distinguished from the jaw line, producing an elegant transition between the thorax and the face.
The sagginess and droopy skin of the neck and the mandibular ridge are primary elements of aging that come over time. Many conventional cosmetic surgeries leave patients with an over-stretched face and infra-treated neck, however our neck lift technique leaves you with lasting natural results.
A neck lift or Cervicoplasty should be approached as a surgery of the lower third of the face, in order to adequately correct excess skin, neck wrinkles, loss of the mandibular ridge, neck bands (“turkey neck”), and droopy skin under the neck or a double chin. Dr.Victor Astudillo employs techniques that address both the superficial and deep anatomical structures of the neck. It is extremely important the treating, lifting and plication of the Platysma muscle (Platysmoplasty) is of the utmost importance, as well as removing any excess of skin and fat tissue. Only through this technique can a harmonious, natural, and lasting result be achieved.